Module rp6::avr::device::atmega32::registers

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Describes the registers available on the atmega32.


Analog Comparator Control And Status Register.
ADC Data Register Bytes.
ADC Data Register Bytes high byte.
ADC Data Register Bytes low byte.
The ADC Control and Status register.
The ADC multiplexer Selection Register.
Asynchronous Status Register.
Port A Data Direction Register.
Port B Data Direction Register.
Port C Data Direction Register.
Port D Data Direction Register.
EEPROM Read/Write Access Bytes.
EEPROM Read/Write Access Bytes high byte.
EEPROM Read/Write Access Bytes low byte.
EEPROM Control Register.
EEPROM Data Register.
General Interrupt Control Register.
General Interrupt Flag Register.
HIGH register
Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Register Bytes.
Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Register Bytes high byte.
Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Register Bytes low byte.
LOCKBIT register
LOW register
MCU Control Register.
MCU Control And Status Register.
On-Chip Debug Related Register in I/O Memory.
Output Compare Register.
Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register Bytes.
Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register Bytes high byte.
Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register Bytes low byte.
Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register Bytes.
Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register Bytes high byte.
Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register Bytes low byte.
Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register.
Oscillator Calibration Value.
Port A Input Pins.
Port B Input Pins.
Port C Input Pins.
Port D Input Pins.
Port A Data Register.
Port B Data Register.
Port C Data Register.
Port D Data Register.
Special Function IO Register.
Stack Pointer.
SPI Control Register.
SPI Data Register.
Stack Pointer high byte.
Stack Pointer low byte.
Store Program Memory Control Register.
SPI Status Register.
Timer/Counter Control Register.
Timer/Counter1 Control Register A.
Timer/Counter1 Control Register B.
Timer/Counter2 Control Register.
Timer/Counter Register.
Timer/Counter1 Bytes.
Timer/Counter1 Bytes high byte.
Timer/Counter1 Bytes low byte.
Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register.
Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register.
TWI (Slave) Address register.
TWI Bit Rate register.
TWI Control Register.
TWI Data register.
TWI Status Register.
USART Baud Rate Register Hight Byte.
USART Baud Rate Register Low Byte.
USART Control and Status Register A.
USART Control and Status Register B.
USART Control and Status Register C.
USART I/O Data Register.
Watchdog Timer Control Register.